How to slow the spread of germs in your home
3/16/2020 (Permalink)

Did you know that with the right temperature and nutrients some certain types of bacteria can divide every 20 minutes? That is a lot of potential germs lurking in your home. There is no possible way to completely rid your home of germs and bacteria, but with the right knowledge, you can keep them from spreading.
Before you can get rid of household germs you must know where to find them. You might automatically assume that the bathroom is the best place to start, but you would be wrong. In fact, the kitchen is usually the most contaminated room in the home. According to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) “areas where food is stored or prepared had more bacteria and fecal contamination than other places in the home.” When cleaning your kitchen be sure to always clean the kitchen sink, countertops, the refrigerator, cutting boards, the coffee maker, and drawer handles. Use disinfectant wipes to clean these surfaces. Other good practices include heating damp sponges in the microwave for a minute to kill bacteria and washing your hands before and after handling food.
Some other great places to clean throughout the entire house include:
- Doorknobs
- Wallets and phones
- Keys
- Purses
- Laundry (put in the dryer right after it is finished washing to stop germs from spreading)
- Remote controls
- Keyboards
The best practices to keep things clean are to use disinfecting wipes and bleach and water to clean items. It is also very helpful to use hand sanitizer on your hands and wash your hands as much as possible.